Single Point of Contact - SPOC

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This document provides information regarding the Single Point of Contact, the Local Offer and a summary of how the needs of children and young people in Middlesbrough are identified and met and information on the current network of support available across education, health and care.

To support parents, carers, young people and professionals the local area has developed a “Single Point of Contact” approach which is intended to offer parents, settings and professionals with a convenient way to navigate systems and processes through which they can raise queries about a range of issues relating to SEND and receive advice on appropriate routes which can be taken to address any concerns or queries.

What is the Single Point of Contact?

It is intended to offer a convenient way to navigate systems and processes through which people can raise queries about a range of issues relating to SEND and receive advice on appropriate routes which can be taken to address any concerns or queries. This will not deal directly with “referrals” to services but will help signpost to appropriate services.

How does it work?

It is a telephone line and email contact point and will be managed by SEN Assessment team 0-25.

Who is it for?

Parents, settings and professionals

What is the contact number and email address?

Tel. 01642 201831 


Who to contact

Contact Name
Single Point of Contact
01642 201831 01642 201831

Page last reviewed: 20/08/2020


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