Services in Disability / SEND Local Offer (672)

  1. Preparation for Adulthood Guidance

    For all children and young people with SEND from year 9 upwards and at each Education, Health and Care plan [EHCP] review thereafter; Middlesbrough Council, educational settings, health and care will include clear pathways focusing on preparing for adulthood and transitional arrangements early. Preparing for…
  2. Useful Contacts

    We've pulled together a quick list of the most commonly used telephone numbers, you can download the document from the bottom of this page. SPOC - Inclusion Specialist Support Service (SEND, Inclusion & Outreach, EPs) 01642 201831 Transport Team 01642 353447 Sensory Teaching Advisory and…
  3. Multi-Agency Exclusions Policy

    Many Middlesbrough students at risk of exclusion, or who are repeatedly suspended, often face vulnerabilities that are barriers to their education. Low levels of attendance, special educational needs (SEND), a significant degree of family dysfunction, adverse childhood experiences, involvement in or being the victim of…
  4. Post 16 - High Needs Funding

    Post 16 education providers can apply for additional funding to help support young people with SEND through the post 16 journey. A student must also be undertaking an approved Study Programme, Supported Internship or Apprenticeship that supports their progression into work or further study, and…
  5. International New Arrival Guidance (INA)

    Guidance for supporting international new arrivals into education It is important that all children and young people new to the area are offered educational provision as soon as possible. Access to education is particularly important for children/young people whose families may have relocated to the…
  6. SEND Learning and Development Offer

    Middlesbrough’s SEND Inclusion, Assessment & Review team is an established specialist team which provides support to parents/carers, young people, settings and professionals across education health and care in respect of the identification, inclusion, assessment and placement/provision for children and young people aged 0-25 with special…
  7. EHCP - Interim Review Guidance

    Most issues relating to an EHC plan can be resolved with an informal co-production meeting with the parents and the setting and will not need to take the form of a statutory review. In some circumstances, you may want to call a review outside of the normal…
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