Services in Families (1188)

  1. In-car Child Safety

    What does the law say? You must use a restraining system if one is fitted in your vehicle. The law is complicated, so the best way to stay on the right side of it is to use the most appropriate restraint for everyone travelling in…
  2. Increasing Awareness of our Local Offer

    We continue to work hard to raise awareness of the Local Offer across Middlesbrough. We have been reaching out to young people, families and professionals by a variety of means and speaking to as many people as we can. Take a look at the downloads…
  3. Independent Travel Training

    Independent Travel Training Independent Travel Training supports young people with SEN and additional needs to travel independently to and from their place of education. Travel Trainers help young people using this service to gain the confidence and skills they need to make the journeys safely…
  4. International New Arrival Guidance (INA)

    Guidance for supporting international new arrivals into education It is important that all children and young people new to the area are offered educational provision as soon as possible. Access to education is particularly important for children/young people whose families may have relocated to the…
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